
daylight saving system

On November 18th, we discussed the theme “To introduce daylight saving system in Japan”. The panels were Saori, Sakiko, Ryoji, Sachi and I. This discussion was done by four position people. Moderator was Ryoji. Igarashi (Sakiko) works at government. Kawasaki (Saori) is a mother. Nikaido (Sachi) is a manager at a company. Amasawa (me) is an elementary school teacher.
At first, moderator told about daylight saving system. It is done by Europe and American countries. The countries which introduce the system now is America, Canada and so on. This system is done from spring to fall to use our free time effectively. Ms. Igarashi and Ms. Amasawa agreed with to introduce daylight saving system, but Ms. Kamazuka did not agree. Nikaido was in neutrality position.
Mr. Nikaido said that to introduce daylight saving system would cut their company’s cost, and it is good for company. Daylight saving system was done in Hokkaido for 3 years as a experiment. Ms. Igarashi said the data about the result of Hokkaido. According to the data, because of the system, the number of traffic accidents was decreased. Ms. Kamazuka said that it is bad for children health. If we introduce4 the system, many children would confuse. However, Ms. Amasawa said the advantages of the system. She said that by introducing the system, students can go home before dark. Also, the students who do club activities can do their activities without worrying about the length of the day. There were some advantages and disadvantages; the worst point is the cost to introduce the system. If we introduce the system, it cost about 100 billion yen.
So, I think that daylight saving system is not necessary in Japan.

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