
About moral dilemma

On October 13th, we discussed moral dilemma.
There was a mad man who hid bombs. He was in court, but he did not say anything about where he hid bombs. If the bombs exploded, hundreds of people will die. Also, time limit is short. Polices wanted the man to tell the place where he put the bombs. However, he had a against self-incrimination. Officials thought the last way to make him say the truth. It was torture to his wife. Of course, she was innocent, but they thought there was no way beside it.
The question was “Do you agree with doing torture to his innocent wife?” I disagree with the idea, because I do not think torture to his innocent wife is not certain way to know the place of bombs. Ordinary men would feel guilty if their wives were done torture. However, the man was mad, so it is possible that he does not feel anything, and he does not understand that his wife’s situation. If the wife die and the mad man did not say anything, it has no means. More importantly, the wife is innocent. Doing torture to innocent people is guilty.
I think that officials have to search by themselves. In my group, all of us were disagree with the idea. We changed our each opinion, and told an\bout new way to find the bombs. As a result, our group decided to use polygraph. We hear the man “Did you hide here?” with a map, and choose the area. There are not enough time to explode the bombs. So, I think it is the best way.


Moral dilemma

On December 10th, we discussed ‘Moral dilemma’. Members were Ayumi, Mami, Fumika, Hiroya, and I.
In this discussion, we thought the position of a father. My son and wife and I stayed our holiday in Bali, and we were in the airport. My son had marijuana in his bag and it was found by sniffer dog. Police officer asked me “whose bag is this?” I realized I had to answer, but the answer won’t be easy. I saw my wife in the corner of my eye, and she was about to step forward and claim it as her own. So, we discussed what we said. First, I thought that I would wait for my son’s answering, because he was 18 years old, and he knew what was good and what is wrong. Other people said that It was my son’s marijuana. The reason why they would say was lie was not good for my son, and if I protect for my son, he would feel guilty. However, Ayumi said that my idea was good. In this story, the person who has marijuana would killed or be jailed for life. So, we discussed the way no one would die. So, we decided that we would say “I don’t know”. However, the idea was refused by Jeff. So, we found another way. In this discussion, my wife was about to step forward. So, we decided to say “We all smoked marijuana”. If we said this phrase, police officer would confuse and doubt of all of us. My wife and I want to protect our son, but I want my son not lie. So, in this way, my son not only my wife and I have to in jail for our life or executed. We think this way is the best answer to the question that what we say.

Birth rate

On December 3rd, we discussed birth rate in Japan. (How to support the family with children) The panels were Masami, Mai, Kasumi, and Kota. Ayumi was moderator. They were indifferent positions. Ms. Nobi divorced 5 years ago. She has a 7 year old daughter. So, she is single mother. Ms. Minamoto got married last month. She does not have children. She wanted to have her child, but there were some problems. So, she hoped those problems would be solved in the discussion. Honekawa studied in France until recently. Mr. Goda has one san. His wife passed away 2 years ago. His san is a elementary school student.
Ms. Minamoto said that it would be difficult to keep working if she had a child, because she can take child-care leave for only 1 year. So, if she had a child, she had to quit her job.
Ms. Honekawa introduced about the system in France. In France, birth rate is high. French people can take child-car leave longer than Japanese. Also, they can reduce working time. And there is one of the reason why birth rate in France is high is that more than half babies are outside babies. French women who are over 40 give birth to their children.
Ms. Minamoto agreed with Honekawa’s idea and said that they should introduce the system in Japan.
Nobi had 2 problems. She does part time job, now and the salary is not expensive. Nobi gets allowance from government, but it is not expensive.
Mr. Goda can not get allowance because he is father.
In this discussion, theme turned and change. So, it is difficult to write. Also, I can not understand what they said. So, I want to hear again about the discussion.

grade skipping

On November 26th, we discussed the theme "To introduce grade skipping in elementary school and Junior high school in Japan". The panels were Airi, Fumika, Misaki, Chika and Hiroya. They were in four positions. Taro is 5th elementary school student. He can solve Mathematics easily in elementary school. He always feels bored. So he agree with introducing grade skipping. Ms.Hayashi is elementary school teacher. She works for 20 years. She is neutral. If Japan introduces the system, school expense would decrease. However, because of it, students would lack communication. Ms.koizumi is the Minister of Education. She disagrees with the system because Japan has compulsory education system. Also, she said that we should treat students equally, and to introduce grade skipping system is difficult. Lee is Chinese and he skipped some grades and left out of the group before. However, he agrees with to introduce the system.
Ms. Koizumi said that to introduce grade skipping system in Japan, we would have communication problems. It is difficult to communicate with the people who are not same age. Mr. Lee does not have special friend and he spent his time studying. Because of it he gets some awards. Ms. Hayashi suggested communication test for the students. She said that she did the test like terminal test. However, it is waste of time that all students take the test. So, Mr. Lee made suggestion that the only students who want to skip their grade take the test.
According to the discussion, I thought that grade skipping is not necessary in Japan. My friends taught me that there are a few people who skip their grade. So, if Japan introduce the system, probably a few people use the system. Also, because of grade skipping system, all school has to change their school system. So, I think that grade skipping is not necessary.

daylight saving system

On November 18th, we discussed the theme “To introduce daylight saving system in Japan”. The panels were Saori, Sakiko, Ryoji, Sachi and I. This discussion was done by four position people. Moderator was Ryoji. Igarashi (Sakiko) works at government. Kawasaki (Saori) is a mother. Nikaido (Sachi) is a manager at a company. Amasawa (me) is an elementary school teacher.
At first, moderator told about daylight saving system. It is done by Europe and American countries. The countries which introduce the system now is America, Canada and so on. This system is done from spring to fall to use our free time effectively. Ms. Igarashi and Ms. Amasawa agreed with to introduce daylight saving system, but Ms. Kamazuka did not agree. Nikaido was in neutrality position.
Mr. Nikaido said that to introduce daylight saving system would cut their company’s cost, and it is good for company. Daylight saving system was done in Hokkaido for 3 years as a experiment. Ms. Igarashi said the data about the result of Hokkaido. According to the data, because of the system, the number of traffic accidents was decreased. Ms. Kamazuka said that it is bad for children health. If we introduce4 the system, many children would confuse. However, Ms. Amasawa said the advantages of the system. She said that by introducing the system, students can go home before dark. Also, the students who do club activities can do their activities without worrying about the length of the day. There were some advantages and disadvantages; the worst point is the cost to introduce the system. If we introduce the system, it cost about 100 billion yen.
So, I think that daylight saving system is not necessary in Japan.