However, today.... there were about 40 students in my classroom. So, it was hell for me;_;)!
In the afternoon, I went shopping with my family.
delicious lunch
medical fee for free
There were for different positions people in this discussion. First, Yone is an old woman. She has chronic illness and goes to the hospital 2times a week. She lives with her husband. She is for the system. Second, Tomozo runs cigarette store and he is in neutral position. Third, Kyoko. Her husband works at a famous company, so she is a rich wife. She agrees with the system. She thinks that it is good for poor people. Last is Miyu. She has 2 children and they go to school. Her husband works at a normal company.She thinks that the system is not good for her family because they rarely go to hospital.
They suggested raising cigarette tax, alcohol tax, and consumption tax. Tomozo said that it is not fair. If the system were introduced, some people would stop buying cigarette and alcohol. So, it gives big damage for Tomozo. So he suggested that to raise only consumption tax. But, Tomodo thought it is not enough.
I thingk the system is good idea.
No my own car day
Paying salary to house keepers
Help me~!
Very busy!
1. Tuesday: Research Writing,
2. History of British literature
3. Chinese
4. Jeff's class report
5. Japanese language teaching sheet
6. History of American literature
Also, I have part time job and volunteer work.
And, I am going to go to Korea at end of the month.
I am very busy, and tired. Please help me!!!!!
All night!
the Bon

On 15th, I stayed my grand parents' house in Arao. The picture's boy is my cousin' s child. His name is Takeru and he is very cute. He caught that darning needle. I don't like insects, so it was very scared.
1-6 high school graduates' gathering

my high school friends
We decided to choose the restaurant to eat lunch. We went to "Onfulu-lu". After an hour, Saki arrived at the station, and we ate lunch. That days lunch menu were pasta with umeboshi and natto, rice omelet and Takana pilaf. I ate rice omelet.
Dishes were very delicious. After eating, we took print club. Then, we went to karaoke and enjoyed singing. At last, we went to joyful and ate dinner. We talked a lot.
I had good time with them. Friends makes me happy!!!
firework festival
Long time no see!
I finished my exams yesterday. I'm happy! I plan some events with my friends. I'm looking forward to seeing them.
By the way, I went to Kumamoto city with my sister to dicide her hakama for her graduation ceremony. We went to Ikedaya. she wore some hakama snd dicided good one there. After that, we went to Swiss and ate cakes.
Tomorrow, I have my part time job in the evening!!
study for tests
I have 10tests and 1report. I started American literature history's study. The area of the test is very broad. So, I have to study hard everyday. However, I can't study today. Because, I had my part time job from 18:30 to 20:30 today. It would be possible to study, but I would be tired. I know that I should study....I conflict.
music@As Long As You Love Me
This song is songed by Backstreet Boys. I listened to the song when I was a high school student.
I like this song, and I often listen to their songs when I take train.
I'll show you the words.
As long as you love me
All the loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I'm leaving my life in your hands
People say I'm crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
How you got me blind is still a mystery
I can't get you out of my head
Don't care what is written in your history
As long as you're here with me
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did As long as you love me
Who you are Where you're from
Don't care what you did As long as you love me
Every little thing that you have said and done
Feel like it's deep within me
Oh, ooh ooh uurn Doesn't even matter if you're on the run
It seems like we're meant to be
I don't care who you are
Where you're from
What you did As long as you love me
Who you are Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me
I've tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and when you're coming from
I don't care As long as you love me,
baby I don't care who you are Where you're from
Don't care what you did
As long as you love me
Who you are Where you're from
What you did As long as you love me
Who you are Where you're from
As long as you love me
Who you are As long as you love me
What you did As long as you love me
There was a good couple who named Lettie and George. George was Lettie’s husband and he was a brave man. He loved the sea, and decided to travel to the Arctic on a ship called the Pioneer. Lettie was afraid when he told her, but she could not stop him. She decided to paint a picture of George before he left. Lettie put it on the wall. One day, a man named Vincent Grieve saw the picture and found it had changed. In this picture, George’s face was turned pale. The next day, George died.
In this time, I read a novel. This is the mystery. I could not imagine the conclusion. I could learn many unknown words by the book. However, I don’t like mystery novels. I like love stories. I am scared. Next time, I want to read a love story.
One life
There was a couple. They wanted to have their children. Fortunately, the wife got pregnant a child. In 1992, a son was born. The couple named the child “Akiyuki” from birth season and his father’s favorite word. They thought it was the gift from a god. However, they knew that their child had handicap. He was Down syndrome. A doctor said “He will die in a year.” They took care of the son carefully. Akiyuki enjoyed everything which he did and see. And the parents were happy to see the growth of the son. When he was 3 years old, he entered “Izumino academy”. He lived, just lived like crazy. “To live as hard as possible” is not only illness people but also healthy people. This word is for all people. In 1999, when he was 6 years old, he ended his life. His parent was sad, but they got important thing. I learned the importance of lives from the story.
In the world, there are many people who want to live more, but can’t. We shouldn’t waste precious lives. Taking care of children having handicap is hard work, but all lives is important. To live is wonderful thing. We have to thank to all people that we live now.
New part time job
beatiful sky
Clone pigs
Scientists have announced that they have successfully cloned piglets from an adult pig. A clone is an exact copy of other living things. The scientists hope the ability to clone a pig will result in medical advances for humans. The little piglets have given birth to exciting new medical possibilities. Many people are in need of organ transplants, but not enough. Pigs’ organs are actually very similar to human organs. Already, some humans have heart valves that came from pigs. Piglets may help many lives.
I disagree with this idea.
Please look at this data. Cloning technology may be able to help to make children by using sterile couple’s somatic cells. Moreover, it may be able to save many lives by making human organs which is in short. However there are many problems as to adaptation to human beings. We can’t produce only organs we need, and we have to produce human’s body or body similar to human and take organs out of them. While we save many lives, we lose many other lives. Then the children which are born by cloning technology might be discriminated by other people. Cloning technology may be able to many lives, but it has many problems and dangers. We often tend to think about ourselves’ profits. We have to think about the idea seriously.
Book review#10 THE Flintstones in VIVA ROCK VEGAS

There is an alien. His name is the great Gazoo. He is a little short. He is green, and he has long nose. His space ship’s name was Observer. One day, his boss told Gazoo about his last job. He was the worst Observer on that ship. The boss said, “You will observe ‘love’ on Earth”. Then he came to Earth. He found two men there. He decided to observe these men’s love. These men’s names were Fred and Barney. They went to Bronto King, which is a restaurant. They meet two girls whose names were Betty and Wilma. Fred fell in love with Wilma.
Now, what will happen to them?

separate family names for married couples
The government sees a big change in attitudes about separate surnames by married couples and plans to discuss the possible introduction of two-name system. According to government survey, in favor of the use of separate surnames far out number those opposite. The civil code currently prohibits the system. The government should consider carefully.
I agree with this idea.
Please look at these materials. The answer to the question is” Do you agree with separation of couples’ surnames?” 68people answered “Yes”, 2people answered “No”, and other 2people answered “I can’t say which is better”. Then, only Japan, India and Turkey are using the same surnames now.There are many opinions about separation of couples’ surnames. I think that the government should consider both opinions and see the system from justice position.
Book review#9 The snow Queen
Gerda and Kay are best friends. One winter’s day, as snow was falling, Gerda’s grandmother told them the story of the Snow Queen. Wandering home, Kay saw the Snow Queen. The next day, Gerda and Kay watered the roses in hr window box, Kay suddenly cried out. He had felt a sharp jab in his eye and another, piercing his heart. However, neither Kay nor Gerda could see what had happened. Then, Kay began to change and grow cruel. After that, Kay saw everything differently. He changed at all, but she still loved him. Next winter, Kay ignored Gerda altogether, and joined the boys on their sleds in the town square. As they played, woman wore the white dress stood with a sleigh. Everyone but Kay ran away. He thought it was fun and rode the sleigh. Time went by, he realized who she was. She was the Snow Queen. Quickly, the queen kissed Kay and his icy heart grew colder. She kissed him again and he forgot all about home. In town, no one knew where Kay had gone. Gerda decided to look for Kay. She rode a boat and floated for hours. Then she met an old woman. She was lonely and knows a little magic. So, she cast a spell to make Gerda stay with her. Her magic worked and Gerda forgot Kay. But when Gerda saw the print of roses on old woman’s sunhat, she remembered all the things. After that, she met some people and caught sight of Kay. He was frozen. She torn and began to talk about her and his home. He began to tear. The old Kay was back. They laughed and cried for joy. They decided to escape from the queen. At long last, they arrived at Gerda’s house. Gerda and Kay hugged the grandmother over and over.
I didn’t know the story when I read it. If I met the queen, what would she do?I can’t imagine. From the story, I learned friendship and best minds.
Introduction myself to my host family
Hi! I am Reika. I’m happy to stay your home. Before my stay, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Reika. I am 19 years old. I am from Japan, Kumamoto. Kumamoto is located in southern part of Japan. Kumamoto is warm, so I could enjoy the summer in the US. However, I can not swim well, so I would refuse if you took me out.
For something completely different, I don’t like alone, so please talk to me. I like talking with my friends, and families. I have an older sister. So, I’m looking forward to meeting my host sisters.
By the way, I don’t like animals, for examples, dogs, cats, strange animals and so on. So, if you have any pets, I would feel scared. At that time, please help me.
My favorite food is chocolate. I want to eat US’s chocolate. Then, I am interested in foreign food. However, I can not eat hot food. In addition, I want to teach Japanese food. Please ask me about Japanese food.
I major English and Japanese language in the university. Especially, I am interested in teaching Japanese language to foreigners. So, I want to communicate with you in Japanese.
I can not get up in the morning, so wake me up. In the morning, I am in a bad humor because of sleepiness. I don’t dislike you. I am only sleepy. I am sorry if I say bad thing. Then, in the morning, I want to eat fruits and bread or serial. I have many bad sides, but thanks in advance. I look forward to seeing you. See you!
Drive and sweets

Birthday party

Self introduction@My favorite foods
First, I like chocolate. Especially, I like sweet chocolate.
I want to eat them everyday. Today, I bought chocolate, too.
Also, I like strawberries. My uncle produce strawberries. So, I can eat them for free.
My imagination story~working women~
Saki is thirty years old. She married a man whose name is Sosuke 10 years ago. She has a son whose name is Haruto and he is 8 years old. This is very natural and we often see such a family style. However, there is a difference between this family and other general families. Saki works at a famous company where she has an important position. Sosuke stays at home and does all the housework, the cleaning, the cooking, and raises their child. He is not a housewife but a house husband!
When Saki and Sosuke got married, she told him that she wanted to continue working. So, Sosuke quit his job and decided to stay at home. At first, many people opposed their way. They said that Saki should stay at home, but she didn’t want to give up her job.
When her son Haruto was born, she worried about child care and thought about retiring. However, she took parental leave for a year and then went back to her job. She could continue working because of her husband’s help. Haruto grew up without any trouble.
Now, she works hard every day. Her son, Haruto also admires her life style. Her husband, Sosuke, does almost all the housework without any complaints. Everything goes well.Sometimes, people tend to think about gender roles. However, I think it is wrong. It’s about time we start thinking our real place in society.
My imagination story~love~
Two weeks later, I had already forgotten what had happened. I went to the school library to look for some interesting books. I looked at many book shelves and finally found a book which seemed very interesting. As I was reaching for the book. I found myself touching someone’s hand. I pulled my hand away. “I’m sorry!!” I apologized. When I looked up, I saw a very cool-looking boy. He said “Oh! You are the girl that ran into me in the hall.” His words took me back to that day. I felt that it was destiny that brought us together.
Since then, we became friends and talked once in a while. He was always on my mind. We exchanged e-ail address and often sent e-mails to each other. I noticed I was in love. At that point, I couldn’t look at him anymore. Then one day, I decided to tell him what I felt. I promised to meet him the next Sunday. At last, the day came. My heart was beating really fast. I told him what I felt. He listened to me. I said, “I want to go out with you.” His answer was OK. Telling someone how you feel is really difficult, but you have to do it if you want to be happy.
My opinion@Cell phone
My sister's birthday
On June 29th, it was my sister's birthday. My family celebrated her. She became 22 years old. We ate the picture's cake. This shop's cake is famous, because the patisserie came first in a contest. The cake was very delicious.
Time after Time
This song was writeen from a woman's point of view. There are a man and a woman. They love each other. They went with. However, They separated. They wanted to go with again,but it was impossible. The woman always thinks about him and memories.
I think This song is sad love song.
Self introduction@interesting events
My interesting event is to hold birthday parties of the English majoring class's friends. Whenever we have friends birthday, we buy some presents and hold birthday party. To decide restaurant and make a reservation is a little troublesome, but we always enjoy!!!
Self introduction@things I hate
First, I do not like natto, because of the smell and taste. I would never eat natto.
Second, I do not like mosquitoes, because if I am bitten by a mosquito, the meatball would be a long time to recover.
Seif introduction@favorite place
One reason is I have a big bed and I can sleep comfortable. I can not sleep when I am away overnight.
Another is my room has comfortable smack. So, on weekends I stay in my room all the days.
Self introduction@My hobies
My hobbies are listening to music, going shopping, and talking.
fist I will talk about music.I like listening to music. I like Yuzu, Kobukuro, backstreet boys and so on. I rarely listen to women's songs.
Second, I will talk about shopping. I like shopping. Resontly I bought an one piece and a T-shirt.
Finally, I will talk about talking. I like talking with my friends, seniors. However, I don't like to talk to many people, for example presentation.
Self introduction@things I want to try
I want to travel abroad. I've never been abroad.
I study English, so I want to go the countries speaking English. However, I want to go Korea and Chinese, too. I study Chinese. I can not speak , but I want to experience the country what I study. Also, I have had interest about Korea since I was a junior high school student, because I watched Winter sonata.
My dream will come true on October and November, because I will go to Korea as a laboratory training of teaching Japanese language.
Ito@Miyuki Nakajima
BankBand covered this song, and I knew then.
I like this song. This song's libretto is very nice.
Lengthwise line is you
Side line is me
We call it happiness to meet the line we should meet
~縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを 人は仕合わせと呼びます~
Self introducttion@university life in PUK
I major in English. I study English and teaching Japanese language.
I enjoy my college life, but I have some problems. I live in Tamana, so it takes for 1 and half hours to 2hours to come to the college. There are few buses going to Suizenji station at night, so it is difficult to go back to my house. Because of this, I can rarely dine near the college with my friends.
I want to live near the college!
Self introduction@my high school life

Book review#8 The RUNAWAY PANCKE

There was once a family with seven children, and they were always hungry. One day, their mother made pancakes for breakfast. She tossed a pancake, up in the air and down again. However, the pancake didn’t want to be eaten. It jumped out of the pan and rolled out of the door. The family went running after it. The pancake rolled out of the gate and into road, faster and faster. A dog found the pancake and chased with the family. Then, a rabbit met the pancake and chased behind, too. In addition, a dock, a cat and a fox chased the pancake with the family. At last, the pancake reached in front of a pig’ s pen. The pig ate the pancake before the family and other animals came the pen.
I had known this story because some of my friends read the book and told me about the story. However, I had not known the end of the story. When I read the whole story, I thought the pig was scared. I think that this book is a kind of horror story. I can’t imagine that the pancake has a mind. It is very wonderful story.
Self introduction@my hometown
I love my hometown. There are natural beauties, for example sea and mountains.
Last spring vacation, Ayumi, Sachi and I invited Mina and Yukari to Tamana and did many things. First, we ate Tamana Ra-men(Chinese noodle). Tamana city is famous for Tamana Ra-men. I'd never eaten, so it was the first time for me trying to Tamana Ra-men. It was very delicious. Also, Tamana is famous for hot spa. So, we went to Ashiyu. We enjoyed very much. Mina thought Tamana is very country, but After the day, she said Tamana city is very good. I was very happy hearing it.
Michael Jacson
After his death, I watched some video clips on YouTube, for example " THRILLER" and "Beat it". I think that he is a really good singer. No one can imitate him. However, we can never listen his songs with his voice in real time. Very sad.
This song is "Ben", it is my favorite his song.
Self introduction@My sister
She likes watching TV, and she always watches TV when she has a time. Also, She and I like the same actor(idol?), Ryo Nishikido. so, we go to the concerts together when he comes to Fukuoka, and Kumamoto.
I love her very much.
Self introduction@My family
Chinese food

This Monday, I went to a chinese restaurant with my senior, Naoko, Rinako and Saori. We all ordered Ebichiri. This picture is dishes we ate. It cost 500 yen, and my senior payed!!!
It was rain that day, but I did not have my umbrella. At that time, I met my friend, and I asked her to lend me the umbrella which she had. She accepted me and ran in the rain.
I thanked for her, and gave back this morning.
Last Sunday
However, I missed the last tram which go to Kamikumamoto station, because I checked weekday's time table. So, I got in the bind. Then, Ayumi, Sachi and I jumped into a taxi and went to Kamikumamoto station!!!!!
I felt heat, but I had a good time with them:)
Self introduction@Who I am
My name is Reika.
I have lived in Tamana for 19 years. I am 19years old. My birthday is September 13th. My sign is Virgo. My blood type is O. My height is 156.7 cm.
Next, I will talk about my character. I'm very shy and can not speak strangers. I have narrow mind. I like karaoke, reading, listening to music, and talking.
ate fast foods
Decodo and shopping

There was a beautiful church. The ceremony was held this church.
Kaori wore white dress and she was very beautiful.
After the ceremony, I attend the reception. We ate delicious food and talked a lot.
My cousin, Mami, my sister and I sang "Hanamizuki". I was a little nervous, but I could sing well.
At last, Kaori read her letter to her parents. It was very moved and I shed a tear.
By attending this ceremony, I thought that I want to marry. Before it I have to find a good partner(;_;)!!
Congratulation, Kaori !!!!!!!
Book review#7 Christmas around the world
In this book, there are 4 contents. I will introduce about Christmas time. The night before Christmas, everyone is fast asleep, waiting for the magic to begin. Cards are written and sent. Presents are wrapped and waiting under the tree. Stockings hang empty from the mantelpiece, while children dream of a secret visitor and a sack, bursting with surprises…people have enjoying Christmas for over 2,000 years. Early Christians started it, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a small town in the Middle East. His parents, Mary and Joseph, were visiting the town, but every inn was full. So, Jesus was born in a stable. At that time, a star shone brightly over head to show everyone where he was. Now, Christians go to church on Christmas Day to remember Jesus’s birth, but millions of others celebrate too.
In this book, there are many things that I don’t know. In Japan, Many people eat Christmas cakes, and give presents. The origin of Christmas is not that. We mistake the meaning of the day. However, it is difficult to change our custom. I think it is important to know real mean of Christmas day. And we will be able to enjoy Christmas.
Used my brain!
I used my brain!!!
Interview!! and then
After the interview, I went to the book store in the Kumamoto station. I wanted to a new book, but I could not find interesting books. I bought new cosme goods in stead of books.
Strange Toy!
Last Friday, I went to McDonald's near the university with Yuna. She ordered Happy set and got this toy. There is Medamaoyaji in the potato. We can play it, by pushing the potato which is in front of Medamaoyaji. It is very strange!
In class:sports
First, I talked to her about what sports I like. My favorite sports is basketball. There are several reasons why I like it. First, basketball is very exciting. Second, its rules are not so difficult. Third, it is very popular. I belonged to a basketball when I was a elementary school student.
Then, Mai told me what sports she likes. She likes badminton. She said the reasons why she likes it are everyone can enjoy because it is easy to play, and we can play with only two people.
Next, I talked to her what sport I don't like. I hate boxing, because it is very violent and not interesting. Then, blood and punches are not good for children.
After my talking, Mai told me what sport she does not like. She does not like soccer. The reason was that we need 11 people to play and we have to run and too tired.
Finally, I talked to Naoko. She likes table tennis. I know that she had been playing it when she was a junior high school student. She told me why she likes it. There are some reasons. First, we can play inside. Second, it is easy to play. Third, it is a good exercise.
A day at a beach
Those who were at the beach confused. A brave girl said that let's go to help them. All the people agreed with her. Then, the strange humming began. It was heard from a cave near the beach. They went into the cave. After a while, they found a faint light. They advanced toward the light, and there was a monster village. Suddenly, monsters appeared and took them to a park. There were the three people and the monster which had appeared at the beach. They were dancing with the strange humming delightfully. One of the three people noticed the people who came from the beach, and invited them to join the dance. The monster said, "Shall we dance?". They were astonished, but decided to dance with them. They enjoyed dancing with the strange humming. After a long time, they felt tired and fell asleep. When they got up, they were at the beach. No one could tell it was a dream or reality.
Book review#6 The prince and the pauper
There was a boy whose name is Tom Canty. He was very poor and his father was scary. One day, he went to the king’s palace to see the prince. He drew closer to the gold studded with pleasure. There, in the palace gardens, was the prince. He was dressed in silks and satins and shining jewels. He wanted to touch the prince. However, he was caught by soldiers. However, the prince was furious and shouted at soldiers. The price gave Tom food. When Tom and the prince watched the mirror, they noticed that they resemble each other. Son they changed their clothes. Tom said the prince bad thing, and the prince got angry. So, the prince said to soldier to eject Tom from the palace. However, soldiers did not notice the dirty boy was the prince. Then the prince was ejected. Tom and the prince started different life. Time went, and the king died and Tom became the new king. So, he decided to announce the people. In there, there was the prince. Other people thought Tom and the prince’s face was the same. People noticed the real prince and the prince could back to the palace. The prince experienced poor life, and he decided to help poor people’s life.
When I read the book, I thought the difference of people’s life. Some people waste much of food; other people suffer from shortage of food. It is bad thing.
We have to think about our life and thank our life is good.
My favorite actor* Osamu Mukai

Disney Land

I have some Japanese language classes for them. I want to talk to them, but I can't speak English well. I have to study hard!! My class is next Monday, and we will practice how to order in fast food shop. tomorrow, My friend, Saori is going to do penmanship class. I want to go there....
My high school
This is "Hitomoji". We do them in the sports festivals. Many people come to watch them. This hitomoji's performance on the movie was done 2007, when I was a 3 year student in Tamana high school. I was a blue team, but I could not find the movie, so I upped the red team's.

I found only the pictures. This hitomoji was designed by me!!! I was a staff in the blue team. It means Kumamoto catsle. That year, Kumamoto castle was 400th. so, I imaged it.
I remembered when I watch the Friday's TV.
Morning and Evening habits
I usually go to bed at 0:30. Before bed, I do many things. For example, I brush up my teeth. I watch TV. Then, I use cellphone and look many sites or blogs. sometimes, I clean my room a little. In the morning, I get up at 5:10. I am sleepy every day. I wash my face, make up, change my clothes, eat breakfast, brush my teeth. Then I leave home at 6:00.
Kasumi goes to bed at 0:30. Before her sleeping, she sets a alarm, brush her teeth, and check her mails. Also, she drinks tea and prepare to attend tomorrow's classes. She picks out her clothes for the next day. In the morning, she get up 7:00. She wash her face, puts up her hair, eats breakfast, brush up her teeth, get dressed, and then, she makes sure that she had everything.
Masanori goes to bed at 23:00. I think it is early. he studies, eats dinner, takes a bath, and brush his teeth before going to bed. In the morning, he gets up 6:15. He takes a walk with his dog every morning. It's wonderful!!
The time we go to bed and get up are very differnt. I want to get up later!
Blood types and signs
My blood type is O. This blood type people are unorganized. Then, they are sociable and unyielding. Also, we are called romantic. In fact, I think I am a romantic person. I like romantic situation.
My sign is the Virgo. This type people are usually very pure, but sometimes do bad things. In addition, they are organized and very hard-working. They know a lot of things and enjoy learning about new things.
I talked to Miyo. Her blood type is B. People whose blood type of B are my-pace, and selfish. Many people say that the people whose blood type of B are opt to be moody.
Many Japanese people watch fortune-telling on TV in the morning. In fact, I care about them.
I believe in the results when the results are good. However, the results are not good, I don't believe. I think that there are many people like me.
Book review#5 The Magical Book
Leo lived with his granny in a tall house in the middle of town. One day, he was in his play room, when his granny rushed in. The Chancellor and the Prime Minister came there to see Leo. Leo’s grand father was king, but he died. They offered Leo to be king. He became king and went to the castle. There were a lot of books there. He found a book “The Book of Beasts”. When Leo opened the book, a beautiful butterfly and a bird came out from the book. The next morning, Leo opened the book again and a big dragon came out. The dragon turned over many places, and people stroked up. Leo thought how to back the dragon to the book. He opened the book and a hippogriff came out. Leo and the hippogriff got back the dragon to the book. As a result, many people got out of trouble. And the hippogriff became a member of the Royal Household, carrying Leo whenever he went on royal tours.
This book is a picture book, and illustration is very cute. This book was easy to read, so I could understand the whole story at one time. At first, when Leo became king, I was worried. Then my fore feel proved right. However, Leo could sort out the problem. I don’t like beasts, but I think that there should have been such a book.
There were unknown words in this book, so I could study. This book was very interesting. I want to recommend to other people.

Little bear sat in the top of a high tree. He looked all around him at the wide, wide world. When he began to climb down, he met two little squirrels and four little birds. Then, he climbed all the way down, and there he saw a little girl. Her name was Emily. She was lost. So, little bear took her to her house. Little bear and Emily became good friends, and played everyday. However, summer was over and she had to go back to school. So, they had to say good bye. They promised to meet next summer. Little bear began to study to go to school.
When I read the book, I was surprised that animal and human’s friendship.
This story is very warm. Then, their heart is pure. I want such a animal friend. I could learn about warm friendship.
When I got home, I found some Japanese lutes in my garden. Do you like them? I like them very much.
Today, I will talk about my favorite fruits. My favorite fruits are pear and strawberry. My grand parents' house bring up strawberries, so I have never bought strawberries. Arao is famous for pears. My mother's grandparents' house is in Arao. so, I can eat them. My favorite fruits are come from my grandparents' house or region. Now, I'm looking forward to eating pears in Summer and fall.
Today, I went to a seven-eleven with Naoko, and I bought this ice cheese stick.I ate it this Monday. I really like it!!! I want to recommend:)
Class exercise :Friends
First, I will write about my best friend. My best friend's name is Misato. I met her when I entered Mutsuai elementary school. she is very tall, 172 cm. Her hair is black and she has wave hair. Also, she is very kind, and ironside. I like her very much!
I talked to Ayaka. Her best friend's name is chika. She is very cute and she has very big eyes. In addition, she is small face. Then Ayaka talked about Chika's personality. Sha said that Chika is tough. ayaka said that they met in the elementary school.
Friday's affair

Today's Kayukai
I usually teach a girl. Recently, she had been absented, but she came today. I was happy. However, I was talking Nichibun's friend, i did not talk to her. I hoped I should communicate more . Next time, I want to talk to her.
After the volunteer, I talked my friends and seniors. They were very kind and I enjoyed talking.Talking to other people is good thing because I can know many things from another point of view.
we met at Tsuruya. Then we went to Kamitori and shimotori. We bought some clothes. We enjoyed very much. I want to go shopping with her if I have a chance.
Kasumi's Birthday party
I went to Kasumi's birthday party on May 11th with my friends. The place was "Kitchen [ku:]". I decided the place and made reservation. It was the first time for me to make reservation. The dishes were very delicious. we talked a lot. I want to go dine with them again. The picture is desserts we ate.
Last Thursday's night☆ミ

Book review3: The Cup in the Forest

Per and Nina was driving.Then, they stopped their car. They walked dark forest and found a cup. Per and Nina took it out from the forest. At that time, Per felt someone, but Nina didn't care. They drove the car and arrived at a small town.They decided to stay the hotel in the small town. At that night, he couldn't sleep, and went to the window.Then, Per saw a man. He surprised. Next morning, They went to the museum next to the hotel. The curator looked the cup and said that the cup belonged to Hakon who was an old Viking, so they should take it back to Hakon's grave. After that, Per and Nina was drinking coffee. Then, Per saw the man whose he saw the day before. He thought the man was Hakon. He decided to take the cup back to Hakon's grave. However, Nina disappeared with the cup. Nina drove for a long time. There were no cars and houses, and it was getting dark. She thought she would sell it. suddenly, she saw a strange man' s face. He was looking at Nina and getting angry. she could not stop the car and the car hit a tree. Then it fallen into a river. Nina dead. Later, Per arrived at the river and saw Hakon with the cup.
I was very scared when I finished reading. This story is not long and I could enjoy reading.
Essay2 How to improve PUK
First, transportation to PUK is not good. I go to school by train and bus everyday. I tale the first train (at 6:09 a.m.) and when I get to Suizenji station (at 6:55 a.m.), I have to wait for the bus for about 40 minutes. If I take the second train, I can’t attend first period. However, I arrive at school at 8:00a.m.if I take the first train. This is very serious problem. Moreover, at night, there are few buses to go to the center of the city or to Suizenji station. So, I have to worry about the time of bus. However, transportation is not only PUK’s problem but also a problem of Kumamoto city bus companies. Therefore, we can’t improve this problem easily.
Second, the number of dishes on the menu and prices at the school cafeteria are not good. There only a few items that we can choose and they are not good, too. In addition, the prices are little expensive. So, when I don’t have much money, I can not buy lunch at the school cafeteria. PUK should reconsider their cafeteria’s menu and prices. More people would buy if they changed them.
Third, the air conditioning units are not good. I spend almost all my free time in the students’ lobby and PC rooms. In the morning, I arrive at school early, as I mentioned above. I have to wait to begin the first period for 40 minutes with hotness in summer and coldness in winter. If the AC units are switched on, it is not cool and warm. The PC room is very especially hot in summer regardless of air conditioners. PUK should lower the temperature setting of the air conditions. There are many problems in PUK. It is difficult to improve them. However, we should make these changes schools students can better study with improved conditions.
I ate this!
Today's morning, I as hungry regardless of my breakfast. So, I ate this sweets. Taste is little different I expected. However, it was delicious. I like all kinds of sweets. I want to eat many kind s of sweets in the world.
Made Ohagi
A celebration of my grandfather's eighty-eighth birthday
Book review2: Who's Best?

Page: 24
There is a girl whose name is Kate. She is new in the city. One day, she met a man whose name is Scott. His look is very nice. And he asked her to go to the movie with him. She was happy, she saw his bad behavior. She has a art class and it was the day, she goes to the movie. She met a man whose name is Adib. They talked a lot and she forgot the promise with Scott. That day Kate and Adib drew each other’s face for the class. Scott came to the class room and he tore the picture. She got angry with him. Scott asked her to go to the concert. She did not want to go, but accepted. The day came to go to the concert. Adib asked Kate to go to the gallery. She confused, but she decided to go to the gallery. Then she found a picture of Kate. The picture won the first.
She was happy and smiled with Adib.
I haven’t liked Scott since the beginning. In fact, he is not a good person. If I were Kate, I would choose Adib without any ambivalence. I’m happy that Kate and Adib are good relationship.
In class
I talked about my relatives with my friends. First, I will talk about my relatives.
My father
Appearance: He has black hair. He has double-edged eyes. He is 170cm.
Personality: He is a generous. He is kind, but sometimes egoistic.
My sister
Appearance: She has brown hair. she has double-edged eyes.
Personality: she is very kind. She is like mother(aunt?). She is funny. She always thinks about me.
I talked with Nao and Masami.
Nao's brother
Appearance: He is tall. He has very straight hair. his hair color is little brown. He has single-edged eyes.
Personality: optimism He is kind. He likes sports. He sometimes helps her.
Masami's mother
Appearance: She is a plump woman. She has black long hair. She is very short.
Personality: She is a very kind woman. unyielding
Mai.I interviewed Mina.
Mina's mother
Appearance: she has short and black hair. Face is round.
Personality: She is 47 years old. When she got angry, she is horrifying.
Kazue interviewed Wakana.
Wakana's mother
Appearance: She has short hair. She is about 50.
Personality: She is gentle(kind). When Wakana does not study hard, She does not scold her.